
Maybe you’ve listened to this podcast and thought “This might be me soon” or “It is me, and I need help” or “How do I help?”. Below is a list of organizations all around Mexico that exist to help migrants get on their feet. They offer a wide variety of resources, such as housing, help finding a job, legal aid, mental health resources, and community- to name a few.

If you are here to donate or volunteer- they all are in need of both of those! New Comienzos and Otros Dreams en Acción both helped with this podcast.

If you are here because you need their services, they are happy to help you.

Mexico City

New Comienzos

Otros Dreams en Acción/Poch@ House


Espcaio Migrante

Al Otro Lado

Casa Arcoiris

Casa del Migrante Tijuana

San Miguel de Allende

Caminamos Juntos